One of the more enjoyable aspects of planning a wedding is choosing the music for your ceremony and reception. However, you may find it’s not as easy as you initially thought. While you most certainly should put your favorite songs on the list—especially for dancing—it’s also important to balance things out with other songs thatContinue reading

Hiring Music Pros

You’ve probably got all the elements of a festive wedding reception down pat: Great food, an amazing host and hostess (you and your groom!), free-flowing liquid refreshments, and guests ready to party all night long. The one thing that’s missing, though, is the music. Music is something you absolutely cannot do without—unless your wedding themeContinue reading


By definition, a Bridezilla is, “a woman whose behavior in planning her wedding is regarded as obsessive or intolerably demanding.” Do you really want to go there? (We didn’t think so!) Bridezillas strike terror in the hearts of wedding planners, bridesmaids, and even the groom. Otherwise gentle and loving, brides who wander into Bridezilla territoryContinue reading
